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Prince William, Like His Father, Prioritizes the Environment

  Britain’s Prince William capped a three-day visit to Boston by meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday, ahead of announcing his Earthshot Prize environmental award winners at a gala event. The Prince of Wales shook hands with Biden and spoke quietly in the winter cold near the water outside of the John F. […]

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Burmese freelance journalist sentenced to 15 years in prison

  Myanmar journalist Myo San Soe has been sentenced to 15 years in prison on two terrorism counts by a court at Pyapon Prison in Ayeyarwady region. He was transferred to Pathein Prison on Thursday right after the sentencing, according to his family. Pyapon prison only holds people sentenced to 10 years or less. He […]

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Categories Foreign Affairs

Myanmar’s Archbishop calls for dialogue after military raid on his home village

Myanmar’s Catholic Archbishop has called for a peaceful solution to the country’s political crisis following a brutal attack by the military on his home village in embattled Sagaing region, despite public criticism over his dealings with the junta. Speaking to RFA Burmese on Thursday, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of the Catholic Episcopal Church of […]

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EPA Seeks to Mandate More Use of Ethanol, Other Biofuels

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday proposed increasing the amount of ethanol and other biofuels that must be blended into the nation’s fuel supplies over the next three years, a move welcomed by renewable fuel and farm groups but condemned by environmentalists and oil industry groups. “This proposal supports low-carbon renewable fuels and seeks public […]

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China Blames Foreigners for Inciting Protests

China’s rulers are accusing “hostile forces,” including foreigners, of inciting street demonstrations in more than three dozen Chinese cities and many more universities in the biggest domestic political challenge for Beijing since 1989’s Tiananmen Square protests. At stake is the legitimacy of the ruling Chinese Communist Party as protesters question its management of the COVID-19 […]

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