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Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet Pushes forward Land Registration

Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet said the Royal Government will put all efforts to accelerate the land registration process.

Addressing a get-together with more than 15,000 workers and employees from 30 factories and enterprises at Cambodian Zhejiang Guoji Special Economic Zone in Prey Nup district, Preah Sihanouk province this morning, Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet said the Royal Government has agreed on strategic principles to speed up the land registration process.

Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet advised to use total force at both the national and sub-national levels to provide land titles for the people as soon as possible.

According to the Premier, some 2 million land titles have been so far issued, and there remain about five million more, therefore we need to accelerate the work.

In 2011, Samdech Techo Hun Sen, former Prime Minister, has introduced a land registration policy – Old Policy, New Action – and now the 7th-mandate Royal Government will continue this task, underlined Samdech Thipadei.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse