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Cambodia Attends 13th ASED in Thailand

A Cambodian delegation led by H.E. Ms. Kim Sethany, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, has attended the 13th ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting (13th ASED) in Thailand.

The meeting on Aug. 25, themed Transforming Education in the Digital Era, aimed to discuss issues in the education sector in ASEAN, review the progress in the implementation of the sector’s action plan, and strengthen sector cooperation among ASEAN member countries.

Following the meeting, a joint statement was developed to reaffirm the ASEAN community vision of a resilient education sector in 2025 and to reduce the gap in human resources development, institutional capacity, and competition among ASEAN member countries.

The statement also highlighted a joint commitment to achieving the declaration on early childhood care and education in Southeast Asia and the importance of ensuring the mental health and welfare of teachers and students.

It also underscored the continued endeavour to strengthen education for
out-of-school children and youth, the integration of digital transformation in the ASEAN education system, and partnerships in education exchanges.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse