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(Movie Review) From discontent to new beginning: ‘Because I Hate Korea’ navigates life’s uncertain paths

The homegrown drama film “Because I Hate Korea” is as thought-provoking as it is painfully realistic.

The narrative, centered on the protagonist Gye-na (played by Ko A-seong), is so familiar to many Korean viewers that it might feel almost like a documentary about young people fresh out of college struggling to find their place and prove their worth in an extremely competitive society.

Scenes depicting common Korean experiences are likely to resonate deeply with local audiences: Gye-na’s boss ordering identical meals for everyone to reduce lunch wait times, her grueling two-hour commute to work and her family braving the cold in a dilapidated house awaiting renovation. Such episodes mirror the daily challenges faced by many ordinary Koreans.

Source: Yonhap News Agency