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Suspect handed over to prosecution for creating 279 deepfake porn videos

A deepfake crime suspect arrested recently on charges of producing hundreds of fabricated videos and distributing them on Telegram was transferred to the prosecution Friday for a possible indictment, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said.

The suspect, known only as a man in his 20s, is accused of creating and distributing 279 deepfake porn videos from May to July after participants in his Telegram channel provided him with their acquaintances’ portrait photos and personal information, the police agency said.

As many as 246 people were victimized by his Telegram channel, dubbed “acquaintance humiliation room,” the agency said. The suspect was put under emergency arrest on Aug. 22, it added.

The police said they will sternly respond not only to deepfake crimes but also to any act of editing, compositing or processing a person’s photo in a way that causes sexual shame.

The Seoul police agency also said another man in his 30s was transferred to the prosecution Friday after being apprehended on suspicion
of distributing about 20,000 illegal sexual videos online.

The man is accused of distributing 20,638 illegal sexual videos, including six child and youth sexual exploitation videos and nine illegally filmed videos, for nearly four years, starting in December 2020.

Source: Yonhap News Agency