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Personal information of some 80,000 graduates leaked after Ewha Womans University server hacked

Personal information of some 80,000 graduates of Ewha Womans University was leaked after its website managing academic affairs was hacked, officials said Friday.

According to a notice posted on the Ewha Womans University website, the personal information of graduates who entered the school from 1982-2002 was leaked following a hacking attack on their system earlier this week.

The leaked information includes the students’ names, resident registration numbers, phone numbers, email, home addresses and school records, with some even including information about their parents. Personal data of undergraduates was not leaked, however, officials said.

On Friday, the women’s university posted an apology on its website.

“Of the school’s 250,000 graduates in total, the records of some 80,000 students from 20 to 40 years ago were leaked,” a school official in charge of countering infringement of data said, although sensitive information like grades was not leaked and there was no evidence suggesting the leaked data w
as distributed or saved elsewhere.

The school detected abnormal access to its server by a foreign IP address earlier this week and confirmed the leakage of personal data. They reported the case to the education ministry and the state-run Personal Information Protection Commission.

“The school is taking this incident seriously and is currently inspecting and reinforcing its internal system and cooperating with relevant institutions to prevent further damage,” school representatives said, while vowing to look into the cause of the accident and to come up with prevention measures.

Source: Yonhap News Agency