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New defense chief warns N. Korea will face end of regime in event of provocations

New Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun warned Friday that North Korea will face the end of its regime if it undertakes provocations, vowing to establish an “overwhelming” defense posture to deter threats from the North.

Kim made the warning in his speech at the inauguration ceremony as President Yoon Suk Yeol approved his appointment earlier in the day.

“In order to ensure the enemy does not dare to carry out a provocation, (we) will establish an overwhelming defense posture and capabilities to deter the enemy’s provocations,” said Kim, the former head of the Presidential Security Service.

“In the event of a provocation, we will make them pay a terrible price under the principle of punishing immediately, strongly and until the end,” he said. “If they carry out a provocation, they will face the end of their regime.”

The retired three-star Army general is known for his hard-line stance against North Korea. He replaces Shin Won-sik, who now serves as national security adviser.

As the nominee, Kim said he was o
pen to considering all options, including South Korea’s nuclear armament, if necessary to deal with nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.

North Korea has ratcheted up cross-border tensions this year, sending thousands of trash-carrying balloons into the South and launching 37 ballistic missiles.

Source: Yonhap News Agency