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S. Korea, U.S. discuss enhanced cooperation on economic security

Senior government officials and experts of South Korea and the United States have gathered in Washington to discuss ways of strengthening the two nations’ cooperation on economic security, Seoul’s trade ministry said Wednesday.

The Korea-U.S. economic security conference, the third of its kind, took place in Washington on Tuesday (U.S. time), where the participants shared their views on export controls, financial sanctions and a wide range of other economic security issues and how to further advance bilateral cooperation, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

“South Korea will further strengthen cooperation with the U.S. on supply chains, advanced technologies and the overall economic security fields as key partner nations that share core values,” Trade Minister Cheong In-kyo said during a keynote speech.

The conference was also attended by Alan Estevez, U.S. under secretary of commerce for industry and security, as well as officials from South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics Co.
and the American think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies, the ministry said.

Source: Yonhap News Agency