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Cambodia’s ACC and ROK’s Gyeongsangbuk-do Province Reach MoU on New Village Movement Cooperation

AKP Phnom Penh, September 13, 2024 – The Asian Cultural Council (ACC) of Cambodia and the Gyeongsangbuk-do province of the Republic of Korea have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on New Village Movement Cooperation to promote new village movement for rural development in Cambodia.

The signing ceremony was held in Gyeongsangbuk-do province on Sept. 12 under the witness of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Cambodian Senate President and Honorary Founding Chairman of the ACC, and H.E. Lee Cheol-woo, Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do province.

The MoU will contribute to enhancing friendship and promoting joint development between the two countries via exchanging of successful experience on rural development cooperation and new village movement by ROK.

Under the MoU, many rural development projects will be implemented such as the establishment and operation of smart farms, mechanised farming, and agricultural support systems, as well as public health projects including mobile physician ser
vices, medical volunteer work, and operation of local hospitals/ medical clinics.

Besides, there will be the establishment of vocational training school, the expansion of human resource exchange between universities, the provision of Master’s Degree scholarship for new village movement programmes, the creation of new village movement centre, including staff’s capacity building on the new village movement, plus cooperation in AI and digital sector and cultural exchange programmes.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse